
Worth of the singer and actress

We now turn to consider fees for actress in Cambodia.
Asked why his value singer and actress worth its skyrocketing public opinion, said Sequence that when there are programs each wanted to invite actress or singer, we did not negotiate directly when the phone if not met Secretary also met relatives because maize.

Do not have a generous number of stars like Meas Sophea in charity performances Concert culture organizations and other institutions.

Change how the current exercise

We know that it has been a long time, that Cambodia is a poor and developing country. Currently this country is not yet able to manufacture gym equipment locally yet, so these days we import equipment from neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.
It is a good sign that Cambodian adults nowadays spend their time in late afternoon, evening or morning to exercise at gym and public park. Their main purpose is to stay healthy and also to relief stress and keep themselves fit.

For young people now a days is as a good sign for them in the afternoon they went to the entertainment at the club gym, public park whose tune accompanied when exercise their purpose is to go to leisure activities, feelings and escape disease stress Some take muscular body to body, they still handsome.

The little boy, aged from 5 years to 10 years, parents have always brought to the private park, which can be paid using modern tools, because they are expensive noble family. In particular, the middle class, they just bring their children to walk.

In particular, for the exercise of older people to become more diverse and interesting than the young people and even children like exercise rhythm ammonia (chak kbach) with a smile of Charm Chinese style workout station and other gestures that can make him feel fresher

Currently Phnom Penh City, we observed that some shops are on display on the equipment brought from other countries that have good quality and reasonable price, products that have well-known brands.

Fishing on Holiday

It is the event a difference which previously came less as interest, but 2 to 3 years, we observed that there are some people were interested to entertain such fishing with to the rest of the suburban and in resort areas in the country.

The opinion people who prefer entertainment, said at first I did not know the fishing fun so nothing when I came charging crane with friends I Once, twice, I understand what makes me excited is when catches fish and determination, be patents and famine resources has only been good.

Although some have criticized the way it used to build to affect the environment indirectly Yang, however, it is not a serious problem.

Sky Bride

After bride build finish the government of Phnom Penh city have prepared down bride to become garden update from bed smell to good smell and have

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